
Saturday, August 1, 2015

DIY Ski Coat Rack

We've taken a bit of a break from any major renovations...because we sold our house!  We decided to take a leap of faith and move westward in the great state of Michigan to Grand Rapids.  We hope to find another "Mapleson Manor" to renovate.  In the meantime, we put together a cool tutorial on how to make a coat rack out of a ski.  This was a pretty easy project, and didn't take much time at all!

First, I found an awesome water ski at a local antique market for a bargain price.  Jeff loves water skiing, so I thought it would be a great piece for our house.  I also found some old coat hooks that would be great to use for the coat rack.

Next up, I wanted the hooks have a different patina, so out came the spray paint.  I used Rustoleum's Oil Rubbed Bronze.

Once I positioned the hooks where I needed them, I used a nail punch/ hole punch to add a pilot hole.  This made it easier to screw in the hooks.  

And this is the after photo: 

Sorry the photos are a little grainy. If anyone wants to upgrade my iPhone 4, please feel free!